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LTEC Lab 3 Year Report 2020-2023
This report summarizes Windsor Law LTEC Lab’s activities from the Summer 2020 to Summer 2023 under the leadership of Professor Wissam Aoun (Summer 2020- Fall 2022) and Professor Pascale Chapdelaine (Winter and Summer 2023). The report also includes reflections about opportunities for future growth.
Check out LTEC Lab’s 3 Year Report for 2020-2023 here.

How Copyright TPMs Undermine Efforts at Cultivating a More Sustainable Economy - Tiphaera Ziner Cohen, Windsor Law Student (JD 2023)
LTEC Lab regularly showcases Windsor law students' excellent research work and papers. This paper by Tiphaera Ziner-Cohen was written as a requirement for Professor Pascale Chapdelaine's Copyright law course.
Read the paper here.
For the Encouragement of Learning - Myra Tawfik - Don Rodzik Family Chair in Law and Entrepreneurship, Distinguished University Professor, LTEC Lab Member

On September 22, 2023 Windsor Law’s LTEC Lab hosted Professor Tawifk’s recent book launch. The book received high praise from the two discussants: Professor Ysolde Gendreau (UdeMontréal) & Prof. Robert Spoo (UTulsa College of Law) & warm welcome from attendants (in person & online)! Congrats Prof. Tawfik!
To watch the recording, click here.
Let's talk about Chat-GPT & Generative AI - Forum Discussion

Windsor Law LTEC Lab will be hosting a forum discussion about Chat-GPT & Generative AI. The panelists will discuss and seek input from the audience on the various possible uses of Chat-GPT in higher education, as the University of Windsor and other Universities are elaborating user regulations and guidelines. The panelists will go over some of the recent controversies and court challenges involving Generative AI, copyright law and privacy law.
November 22, 2023, 12-1:30pm | Ron W. Ianni Building Room 2120 | Registration Link Here
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