Jasminka Kalajdzic is an Associate Professor and Founder of the Class Action Clinic at Windsor Law. Professor Kalajdzic is a leading expert in class actions worldwide.
Her recent article on Copyright Class Actions reviews Xiyin Tang's "The Class Action as Licensing and Reform Device".
Read "Copyright Class Actions as Catalysts for Legislative Reform" by Professor Kalajdzic here: https://courtslaw.jotwell.com/copyright-class-actions-as-catalysts-for-legislative-reform/
Citation: Jasminka Kalajdzic, Copyright Class Actions as Catalysts for Legislative Reform, JOTWELL (February 10, 2023) (reviewing Xiyin Tang, The Class Action as Licensing and Reform Device, 122 Colum. L. Rev. 1627 (2022)), https://courtslaw.jotwell.com/copyright-class-actions-as-catalysts-for-legislative-reform/.